We have removed the “Bid Made” emails from your inbox! As per a number of requests from our bidders. You know when you make a bid cause you made it. You probably do not need a email instantly sent to remind you that you made the bid (If you do let us know we can probably turn this feature on just for you and let everyone else have less emails)
You will still get the OUTBID NOTICES, Newsletters and other important notices. We did this a number of years ago with the watchlist email. Every time a bid was made on an item you were watching you got a email, the server was sending 1000’s of emails out every week and they were annoying to say the least. The last thing we want to do is annoy our bidders so we have deactivated this instant bid made notification. For anyone using a proxy bid you would receive a email EVERY TIME someone bid against your proxy as well and some people like to bid in small increments against proxy bids until they become the winner and this basically floods the inbox of the person who made the original proxy bid. Hopefully everyone prefers this not happening any more. We recently upgraded our email system so less emails are going to peoples spam/bulk email folders as well so we really do not want to overwhelm everyone’s emails with these unnecessary notification emails.