First Nations (Indigenous) Status Card
8% Ontario Tax exemption form.
Transaction date:_____________________
Status card number:__________________
Band registry number:_________________
BIDDER ALIAS:_________________
NOTE: The card holder name must match the bidders real name on file who is picking up and paying for the items, Metis status cards do not qualify for this and cards without photo id require a piece of photo id to confirm the id of the bidder.
I _________________________________
(Print Card holders full name) confirm that these goods purchased off the SwapShop/Midland Auctions online auction website are exclusively for my personal consumption or use and they comply with the Ontario Tax Exemption laws for native status card holder purchases for a 8% PST portion of the tax exemption. I also agree to pay the federal 5% portion of the taxes only for this purchase.
Reference Links:
SIGNATURE OF CARD HOLDER:___________________